Annual Bluegrass, Poa Annua, or POA as many call it, is a ugly, difficult to control, winter annual weed in your Georgia dormant bermuda lawn. This weed spreads millions of seeds each year that can infest a lawn if not treated. That being said, lawn care companies for years could never get good control of this weed no matter what we did, because the weed controls available barely did anything. Over the past 10 years weed controls have improved and we typically get 6 months worth of pre-emergent control. Now you might say that is pretty good, right?
With such a name, you know that these little pests are likely to be able to do some damage, and you would be right. Armyworms are tough little caterpillars that have incredible appetites. They feed on basically any plants they can get their mouths on from hay to crops, and you guessed it, your lawn.
Annual Bluegrass, Poa Annua, or POA as many call it, is a ugly, difficult to control, winter annual weed in your Georgia dormant bermuda lawn. This weed spreads millions for seeds each year that can infest a lawn if not treated. That being said, lawn care companies for years could never get good control of this weed no matter what we did, because the weed controls available did next to nothing to control them. Over the past 10 years weed controls have improved and we typically get 6 months worth of pre-emergent control. Now you might say that is pretty good, right?
We have been getting a lot of questions about warm season grasses like bermuda and zoysia, being dead or not greening up in Milton, Johns Creek, and Alpharetta, Georgia.
If you have a wet spring or summer, you might find some mushrooms growing in your lawn in Johns Creek. These magical little fungi can be a pesky eyesore up against otherwise beautiful grass.
Even though we have had a few warm days lately in Cumming, Georgia be cautious about scalping your lawn too early. We can still get a heavy frost until April. Scalping your lawn too early could damage the turf if we get a freeze.
Scalping your lawn is the process of removing all the old brown winter foliage. Scalping is relatively easy, but messy.
Privacy fences can ruin the natural feeling of your lawn, but if you are surrounded by neighbors, you have to do something to increase your privacy. Planting living screens is an alternative that will give you privacy while keeping your setting green.
One of the best ways to learn how to take care of your lawn is to look at a lawn calendar. The University of Georgia has some great calendars to refer to that tell you the best times to fertilize, aerate, apply herbicides, and perform other lawn care maintenance. Links to these calendars are below, but you cannot use these calendars effectively unless you know what type of grass you have.
Tall fescue is a common cool season grass in northern Georgia because it is somewhat shade-tolerant compared to other grass varieties. There are many cultivars of tall fescue, and a few popular types are Kentucky-31, Rebel, Anthem II, and Plantation.
The coronavirus has made a huge dent in the social lives of many Americans, and the summer heat has had many breaking social distancing guidelines and partying it up in bars, at the beach, and in their own backyard. You don’t have to break social distance rules in order to have fun with your friends. You can have your barbecue and socially distance too!