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Should I Scalp my Bermuda Lawn in Cumming, GA?

Posted by Mark Nannenhorn on Mar 3, 2021 12:55:55 PM
Mark Nannenhorn
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Even though we have had a few warm days lately in Cumming, Georgia be cautious about scalping your lawn too early. We can still get a heavy frost until April.scissor_lawn Scalping your lawn too early could damage the turf if we get a freeze.

Scalping your lawn is the process of removing all the old brown winter foliage. Scalping is relatively easy, but messy. 

We recommend scalping your lawn in Cumming, GA, when the grass just starts to turn green. This varies year to year depending on the weather, but usually around April 1st is a good time. Scalping earlier can cause some problems with the lawn. If we get a late frost it can damage the new grass coming up, if you leave it long until there is no risk of frost the taller grass will protect the new grass blades.

The grass greens up based on soil temperatures in Cumming, GA, wait to scalp until we have nice sunny days that will warm the soil. Removing the grass will allow the sun to warm the soil quickly and green up the lawn sooner.


Scalping your bermuda lawn requires mowing as low as you can without digging into the soil. Start with your mower at a 1 inch height and adjust higher or lower, depending on the smoothness of your lawn.  Remove the clippings, and discard, do not leave them on the lawn.

A bit of advice wear a dust mask and safety glasses to protect from dust and pollen. Also roll up your car windows and sun roof. Learn from my mistakes, it is very hard to remove grass clipping and dust from a car’s interior and your spouse will not be very happy with you either.  


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Learn about Core Aeration and why it is important to your lawns health.


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Topics: Bermudagrass, mowing, lawn care