Pre-emergent herbicide time has come and gone, and if you have weeds showing their ugly little faces, the time has come for post-emergent weed control.
It seems to happen overnight. The white, fluffy ball of seeds appears out of nowhere. You immediately blame the neighbors for their lack of weed preventive efforts. While those neighbors may be the source of this dandelion, they also may not. Dandelion seeds can travel by air for miles, so no matter how obsessive your neighbors are about keeping these pesky weeds away, controlling dandelions will still be an activity you’ll want to master for a beautiful lawn.
Pulling weeds can feel good and feel very productive the first few times you get out there and get your hands dirty, but it is a chore that gets old rather quickly. The best way to get rid of weeds is to prevent them from taking hold in your lawn and garden. Saves you time, money, and effort if you an limit how many start growing in the first place. There are a few tricks and tips to follow that can help you minimize weeds’ ability to take over your lawn, get started with the following suggestions!