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Spring Dead Spot Disease In Cumming, Georgia.

Posted by Greenfeet Lawncare on Feb 25, 2017 8:00:00 AM

As the Winter starts to fade in Cumming, Georgia into Spring your grass is going to begin reviving itself out of the dormancy it experiences duringspring_dead_spot.jpg the Winter months. Most of the time this means seeing your turf begin to turn green and start its growth cycles again which is exciting for many homeowners. For others, it may be the time that some bermudagrass lawns see the emergence of Spring Dead Spot disease.


This a serious, although treatable, lawn disease that presents itself in early May to June through dead circles of grass that range from a few inches to a few feet across that spread throughout your lawn. The insides of the circle will die off and many times weeds can begin to grow within the dead circle. This can be quite devastating to homeowners that take lots of pride in their lawns and how they look.spring_dead_spot_2.jpg


Spring Dead Spot disease sets to work on your lawn in the Fall prior to the Spring you notice the symptoms. There are a few different types of fungi that have been found responsible for causing the disease, and the good news is there are steps to preventing the disease from taking root in your lawn! The most important prevention strategy is to avoid over-fertilizing your lawn. Do not apply fertilizer to your lawn more than three times a year. Providing the soil with too much nitrogen can encourage fungi and increase activity. You can also apply fungicides to your lawn during the Fall months to prevent them from destroying your lawn during the Winter and early Spring months.

 Earthworm Benefits for Your Lawn

If you already have Spring Dead Spot there are treatments that can help restore your lawn to its former glory and beauty. One of the first things that you can do is to have your soil tested for the proper levels of potassium. Correcting any imbalances can help your grass get back to a healthy state. Applications of fungicide can be beneficial in restoring your lawn, but has been know to have varied success.

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If you are experiencing any signs of Spring Dead Spot you should get in contact with local lawn care experts to talk about options and treatments. They will get you on the right path to finding the chemicals and treatments that you need. Feel free to ask about professional applications of products and prevention plans they have available as well.

If you need help with your lawn give Greenfeet Lawncare a call or Click the link below for a Free Estimate.

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 North Fulton, East Cobb, Cherokee, Forsyth Counties - including Alpharetta, Canton, Cobb, Cumming, Dunwoody, Gwinnett, Johns Creek, Marietta, Milton, Roswell, Sandy Springs